Consultation: Reviewing the existing layout, code requirements, and proposed developments, brainstorming ideas for future enhancement and development of the landscape while working with other consultants in the architecture and design industry. |
Site Planning and Conceptual Design: Site Analysis, Existing Conditions Plan, Local Codes and Permit Requirements, Concept Plans and Image Sheets. |
Landscape Plans: Showing the location of proposed site elements and existing site features to remain. |
Planting Plans with Specifications: Showing the finalized Landscape Plan with proposed planting identified by its common and Latin name, along with quantities and plant sizes. |
Lighting Plans: Scaled Plans with notes, details and specifications showing the locations of transformer boxes, fixtures, and sleeves. |
Irrigation Plans: Scaled Plans with notes, details and specifications showing the locations and sizing of all heads, piping, valves, and the controller, and to provide coverage for plant material. |
Construction Details: Showing how the proposed landscape components are to be constructed and fit together. |
Construction Observation: Site visits to answer any design related questions, making sure the installation honors the design, and to facilitate any changes that may need to happen. |